Asset Monitoring and Tracking
We track what you have and how to support it.
One of the most critical aspects of Managed Services is documentation and tracking. We utilize industry leading tools such as Connectwise and Passportal to monitor and track your assets and crucial information on how to support them in order to provide continuity of support.​
Our teams work together to create a proactive monitoring package that helps us remediate issues before they become problems and keep your environment running as smoothly as possible.
Communication & Collaboration
We support industry leading tools that help make your business run effectively.
Most small business require similar functionality such as email, phone, file sharing capabilities,​ and an accounting package, plus their industry software.
To help keep the core of your business running smoothly Viriton specialized in and supports:​
Microsoft / Office 365
FluentStream Phones
Adobe Licensing
Security and Continuity
We start with security and data integrity.
In today's world of ever changing threats, Viriton is here to help you identify and build the correct layers of security to protect your business interests.
Our products include:
Patch Management
Bitdefender: Anti-Virus and Advanced Security
Proofpoint: Mail Filtering & Archiving
Security and Awareness Training
HIPAA Privacy and Security Management
Coming Soon:
Security Operating Center (SOC)
Security Information and Event Management (SEIM)
Cyber Liability Insurance